Minutes of the Campus Council Meeting
April 27, 2005
Reynold's Center Auditorium
Minutes Status: Approved


Officers: Rom Bowlin, Jones
Voting Members - Ex-officio: Jensen, Riggs, Brown, Riley, Haley
Administrative Representatives: Geren, Williams
Faculty Senators: Freund, Denny, Gay, King, Kral, Martin, Rom, Salisbury
Staff Senators: Clay, Haley, Jackson, Nelson, Swayze, Yell
Student Senators: Bensing, Riley, Zibert, Heath, Gruber
Non-Voting Members, Ex-officio: Smith


Voting Members - Ex-officio: McNulley
Administrative Representatives: Weidemann, Shannon, Bobbitt, Dutton, Greenwood, Saxena, Atkinson, Allen, Borrego
Faculty Senators: Farley, Killenbeck, Dennis, Riha, Rosenkrans, Hanlin, Rupe, Sears
Staff Senators: P. Edwards, C. Edwards, Erbe, Featherston, Hartwell, Lohr, McNully, Terry, Vaught
Student Senators: Drennon, Ouyoumjian, Marsh, Luebker, Whiteside, Churchill, Gershner, Bell, Polk, Miller, Bogie
Non-Voting Members, Ex-officio: White, Pederson, Brazzell, Gearhart, Hudson

I. Call to Order:

Curt Rom, Campus Council Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:35.

II. Approval of the Agenda

The agenda was revised as follows:

a) The roll call was removed and Council members were asked to sign in.
b) No committee reports would be given so item five was removed from the agenda. Written reports are included in the handouts for today's meeting but will not be presented orally.
c) Old Business, item seven, was placed in front of New Business, item six.
d) Item B, the Change in Board of Trustees Policy 810.10 was removed from New Business.
e) Item C, Fall Elections, also found under New Business, was moved to the announcements section.

The agenda was approved as amended.

III. Approval of minutes from the Fall 2004 semester.

Minutes of November 3, 2004

The Fall 2004 minutes of the Campus Council were approved.

IV. Reports of Activity

A. Faculty Senate

Tom Jensen recognized numerous individuals for their service to the University and Campus Governance. In particular he recognized the current officers of ASG, Faculty and Staff Senate, and the Provost.

Professor Jensen noted a change in Board Policy for the Faculty Senate. The Men's and Women's Athletic Directors are now Ex-Officio members of the Faculty Senate.

B. Staff Senate

Renée Clay spoke on the value of the partnerships between the Staff Senate and other Campus Governance groups. She announced that the Staff Team Award is to be presented for the first time this year.

Renée also discussed a "sick-leave buy-out" which was signed into law by the Governor of Arkansas and currently affects classified employees only. It is hoped that others on campus will be able to take advantage of this in the future.

She also discussed the need for all bodies of Campus Governance to work together to find ways to bring the costs of parking down on our campus and also talked of the Staff Senate's goal of offering day care on campus for faculty, staff and students.

C. Associated Student Government

Randy Brown discussed the transition of the ASG this year and that many good, successful programs continued to support students on campus. Phil Brick will be the ASG President next year.

Mr. Brown also discussed Resolution 42, a recycling initiative put forth by ASG, and a Grade Forgiveness Policy that ASG plans to move forward to the Faculty Senate.

Another fee is in the works to increase students' access to newspapers on campus. This is currently for students only.

V. Old Business


VI. New Business

Resolution 42, approved by ASG and brought to the Campus Council by ASG, was discussed. Two possible actions were proposed:

Resolution- resolution42705.doc

Charter - charter42705.doc

1) Recommend to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs that such a committee be created.

2) Ratify Resolution 42 and recommend to the Faculty Senate that they develop such a committee

A motion was made in line with item number 2 above. An amendment to propose to the Faculty Senate the manner in which the committee is to be made was put forth. This amendment was withdrawn.

Item two, to ratify resolution 42 and recommend to the Faculty Senate that they develop such a committee, passed and will be submitted to the Faculty Senate in the Fall.

VII. Announcements

The Fall meeting of the Campus Council will take place on Wednesday, October 19th. The deadline for agenda items will be October 12th. All University Governance groups are encouraged to have their Campus Council seats elected by this time.

Tom Jensen announced that the Staff raised the most money on campus for the American Heart Association.

Doyle Williams is retiring. Words of appreciation were given in his honor, in particular for his support of Campus Governance.

A Task Force will be formed to address the operating procedures of the Campus Council and also to develop an ad hoc Elections Committee.

VIII. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

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