Minutes of the Campus Council Meeting
October 26, 2005
Room 282, Bell Engineering
Minutes Status: Approved


Officers: Rom Bowlin, Jones
Voting Members - Ex-officio: Thomas, Haley, Brick, McNully, Zibert
Administrative Representatives: Pugh
Faculty Senators: Evans, King, Hanlin, Mayes, Dennis, Kral, Currington, Salisbury, Rom
Staff Senators: Bixby, Fendley, Golden, Gray, Hartwell, Perrodin, Vaught
Student Senators: Bensing, Churchill, Cottrell, Endicott, Gibson, Humphreys, Hunter, Jones, Kees, Kincannon, Miller, Smith, Sparkman
Non-Voting Members, Ex-officio: Smith


Voting Members - Ex-officio: Brady
Administrative Representatives: Weidemann, Shannon, Bobbitt, Worrell, Dutton, Greenwood, Saxena, Geren, Brill, McMath, Allen
Faculty Senators: Rosenkrans, Allison, Parry, Freund, DiBrezzo, Murphy, Cantrell
Staff Senators: Clay, Denger, Edwards, Erbe, Featherston, Fondren, Melahn, Morgan, Yell
Student Senators: Bailey, Biggs
Non-Voting Members, Ex-officio: White, Pederson, Brazzell, Gearhart, Hudson

I. Call to Order:

Curt Rom, Campus Council Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:41.

II. Approval of the Agenda

The agenda was approved.

III. Approval of minutes from the Spring 2005 semester.

Minutes of April 27, 2005

The Spring 2005 minutes of the Campus Council were approved.

IV.  Roll Call

Signing in

V.  Reports of Activity

A.  Chair – Curt Rom reported on the following:

B.  Faculty Senate – Deborah Thomas reported on the following:

C.  Staff Senate – Kenley Haley reported on the following:

D.  ASG/Student Senate – Phil Brick, Kris Zibert reported on the following:

VI.  Old Business


VII  New Business

A.  Campus Lighting

Concerns about lighting on campus were raised. A recommendation to do a study of the area between the Walton College and the new parking garage was made. However, the motion to make a recommendation to study the path was withdrawn since faulty lights in this area have been repaired.

All are encouraged to report any lighting problems to Physical Plant.

B.  Election of Officers

Joel Freund (Faculty) was elected as the new Chair of the Campus Council. Carla Gray (Staff) was elected as the new Vice-Chair of the Campus Council.

C.  Free Newspapers on campus

The President of the U of A system and the Chancellor did not approve the implementation of this program for this year. It will, however, be reintroduced during the next fiscal year. It is anticipated that the newspapers will be on campus beginning in Fall 2006.

VIII. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 4:20.

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