Campus Council
October 31, 2007
Engineering Building 209
3:30 p.m.
Status: Approved
I. Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 3:35 by the Vice Chair, Jeremy Cobb.
II. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved.
III. Minutes of the Spring meeting.
The minutes of the Spring 2007 meeting of the Campus Council were approved.
IV. Roll Call
Officers: Cobb, Jones
Voting Members - Ex-officio: Whayne, Looney, Lippert, Bixby, Hand
Administrative Representatives: Bobbitt
Faculty Senators: Gay, Wall, Kral, Rosenkrans, Jensen, Riggs, Speigel
Staff Senators: Hopkins, Lane, Blagg, Erbe, Payne, Reynolds, MacAtee, Mounce, Curren, Perrodin, Williams, Yell
Student Senators: McClellan, Adams, Burns, Miller, Winchester, Mattiza, Smith, Shin, Zhang
Non-Voting Members, Ex-officio: SmithAbsent
Officers: Martin
Voting Members - Ex-officio: Rupe
Administrative Representatives: Weidemann, Shannon, Worrell, Beene, Greenwood, Saxena, Geren, Nance, McMath, Allen, Pugh
Faculty Senators: Evans, Freund, Hardgrave, Parry, Killenbeck, Martin, Curington, Goodstein-Murphree, Murphy
Staff Senators: Clay, Golden, Scott, Haley
Student Senators: Woodruff, Ford, Chen, Gilbert, Rose, Tuttle, Bennie
Non-Voting Members, Ex-officio: White, Pederson, Brazzell, Gearhart, Hudson
V. Reports of Activity
a. Report of the Faculty Senate, Jeannie Whayne
During the September Faculty Senate meeting, the Provost reported on the movement of the U of A toward a world class university and also introduced the new Dean of Continuing Education, Linda Beene Ballard. At this same meeting, Professor Whayne talked to faculty regarding the importance of faculty governance and announced to us the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics webcast.
During the October Faculty Senate meeting, faculty were updated on the bookstore textbook policy to help keep the cost of textbooks down on campus. Steve Gahagans was present at this meeting and spoke with the faculty regarding crime on campus and the preparation of our campus in the event of an emergency. The United Way fund drive was also discussed and questions were raised concerning anti-gay organizations funded by the United Way. Additionally, questions were raised regarding the early closure of so many core courses on campus and also the allocation and reallocation of funds. Provost will speak to this later concern during the November Faculty Senate meeting.
b. Report of the Staff Senate, Paul BixbyPaul reported on the following activities of the Staff Senate. They have recently completed online elections and are pleased with how the technology worked. They intend to use this next for online nominations. The Senate is working on staff appreciation awards and staff scholarships. They also are working with Human Resources to ensure that information goes out regarding the Staff Senate and the Campus Council to new staff employees. On May 22nd, they will host their annual staff picnic. They are also monitoring the inclimate weather policy, reviewing a package of benefits that can be provided to the staff, and are also reviewing a domestic partner participation program.
c. Report of the ASG/Student Senate, Nate LooneySenate President, Nate Looney, reported on the following: The ASG recently completed its Welcome Week Cookout. They are also excited about continued participation in the Honorary Family Program, the Safe Ride Program and the Readership Program. They just returned from a weekend at Ole Miss where 100 "kids" were taken to an away game for the first time. Concerns they wish to address in the near future include synchronizing all clocks on campus, finding ways to obtain free textbooks for students, decreasing costs of basketball tickets, and a 2012 Goal of bringing to the U of A campus a Presidential Debate. They also would like to have representatives of each body (Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, ASG) present at each government's meetings.
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
a. Tobacco Free Campus policy
Kathleen Barta reported on the Tobacco Free Campus policy.
A motion passed to send the policy to the three major governance groups on campus and then to report on their responses and progress of the policy at the Spring Campus Council.
b. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
Janine Parry was elected Chair of Campus Council for 2008.
Ryan Miller was elected Vice Chair of Campus Council for 2008.
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjourn
Edit webpageThe meeting was adjourned at 4:45.