Campus Council
November 19, 2008
Giffels Auditorium
3:30 p.m.
Status: Approved
I. Call to order
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by the Chair, Janine Parry.
II. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was amended to include a discussion of the Research Council Misconduct Policy. The amended agenda was approved.
III. Minutes of the spring 2008 meeting.
The minutes were approved.
IV. Roll Call
Officers: Parry, Miller, Jones
Voting Members - Ex-officio: Fort, Freund, Ford, Powell, Bixby, Hand
Administrative Representatives: Geren, Pugh
Faculty Senators: Jensen, Parry, Kral, Martin, Salisbury, Goodstein, Miller, Deaton, Rhoads
Staff Senators: Vaught, Parker, Payne, Golden, Scott, Turner, Mounce, Spiegel, Rowe, Reynolds, Gilbride
Student Senators: Woodruff, Ford, McClellan, Sharp, Cross, Lowery, Carpenter, Romero, Carlson, Lawrence, Bruning, Sherman
Non-Voting Members, Ex-officio:Absent
Officers: Brady
Voting Members - Ex-officio:
Administrative Representatives: Verma, Shannon, Schwab, Worrell, Beene Ballard, Greenwood, Saxena, Nance, McCray, Henderson Allen
Faculty Senators: Brady, Gay, Hardgrave, Wall, Killenbeck, Rosenkrans, Riggs
Staff Senators: Lane, Blagg, Bahn, Underwood, Matthews
Student Senators: Muzaffar, Kleine, Redd, Zhang
Non-Voting Members, Ex-officio: Gearhart, McMath, Pederson, Brazzell, Choate, Hudson
V. Reports of Activity
a. Report of the Faculty Senate, Inza Fort
- There are several active Dean searches now taking place throughout the University.
- The 2013-2013 Calendar has been approved.
- The Code of Student Life is under review and will return to the Faculty Senate for final approval at its January 2009 meeting.
- Chancellor Gearhart spoke spoke to the Faculty Senate this fall and has decided not to reallocate funds. Instead he is seeking ways to cut administrative costs and increase budgets.
- The core curriculum is under review.
b. Report of the Staff Senate, Paul Bixby
c. Report of the ASG/Student Senate, Carter Ford
- The Safe Ride program continues every evening except Sunday night; some 4900 rides have been offered.
- Our readership numbers are up to 2000 a day, 11th best in the nation.
- $92,000 in funds have been allocated to student groups on campus.
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
a. Inclement Weather Policy Resolution - Angela Hand/Paul Bixby, Staff Senate
Request to Reconvene Inclement Weather Policy
A motion and a second to reconvene the task force to look into the inclement weather policy was put forth by the Staff Senate . The motion passed.
b. Research Council - Research Misconduct Policy
A motion and a second to approve the policy was put forth by the Faculty Senate. A motion to table was put for: 9 Yes, 24 No; this motion Failed.
The motion to approve passed.
c. Election of Officers
Luti Salisbury was elected Chair for 2009
Jonathan Powell was elected Vice Chair for 2009.
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjourn
Edit webpageThe meeting was adjourned at 4:40.