Campus Council Meeting Minutes - Wednesday, April 18, 2012, ARKU AU507-508
I. Call to Order at 3:31 p.m. – Michele Payne, Chair
II. Roll call:
Present: Michele Payne, Michael Dodd, Will Hanson, Will Simpson, Janine Parry, Tyler Priest, Cathryn Fleener, Tim Tucker, Thomas Puckett, Mike Wyse, Amy May West, Robert Brady, Mary Savin, Norman Dennis, Ro DiBrezzo, Inza Fort, Kelly Carter, Melynda Hart, Eve Owens, A. Black, Tom Jensen, Leah Williams, Betsy Orr, Joel Freund, Wesley Stites, Henry Rowe, Angie Smith Nix
III. Adopt Agenda – adopted unanimously
IV. Approve Minutes from December 13, 2011 – adopted with corrections
V. Reports
a. Faculty Senate – David Gay, faculty senate chair, reported a successful Chancellor’s retreat and reported the outcome of recent faculty senate elections. He thanked other campus council leaders for their efforts.
b. Staff Senate – Jeremy Battjes, staff senate chair, echoed Gay’s comments. He extended an invitation to the staff appreciation picnic and vendor fair in Razorback stadium’s south endzone on Thursday, May 17th from 11:30-1:30. Staff will hold elections in two weeks.
c. Associated Student Government – Michael Dodd, ASG president (and campus council vice chair), reported on a successful year of reform in student governance. They will conduct future senate elections in the spring rather than the fall. They are communicating with faculty senate about the provision of bluebooks and scantrons with exams.
VI. Summary of Campus Council Committee Reports
a. Artists, Concerts – no report
b. Campus Climate – no report, folded into other committees – need to remove this from governance structures
c. Catastrophic Leave – Leah Williams reported ample build up of both staff and faculty leave banks; staff was successfully made more robust after reform of the cap on giving and an emergency drive.
d. University Distinguished Lectures – Tyler Priest reported the enthusiastic reception of Elie Wiesel to campus this year and plans for future excellent presentations
e. Fringe Benefits – Janine Parry reported on recent activity by the campus fringe benefits committee, including reform of QualChoice denial letters to include contact info for appeals, the adoption of an appeals process for certain prescriptions, efforts toward a uniform paid maternity/family leave policy on campus, etc.
f. Satisfactory Academic Progress – no report
g. Student Honors, Awards and Convocations – no report
h. Student Relations – no report
VII. Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance – Policy Discussion – Danielle Wood reported on a “simple clean up” of the campus sexual harassment policy. The contact information and reporting offices, for example, will be updated.
VIII. Elections
a. Officers – Mary Savin (faculty) was elected chair of campus council and Tim Tucker (student) vice-chair, both by acclamation.
b. Executive Committee Members – The students appointed Cathryn Fleener and Will Simpson to represent them on the executive committee; the staff and faculty senates will rely on their respective leaders to serve on the executive committee.
IX. Announcements –
a. Headliners – Bailey Moll/Michael Dodd reported on Kidd Kudi tickets
b. David Gay, faculty senate chair, proposed the following resolution which was adopted unanimously.
Whereas, Michelle Payne has provided exceptional service and leadership as Chair of the University of Arkansas Campus Council,
We, the assembled representatives of the students, staff, and faculty, convened as the Campus Council, express our thanks for your leadership in campus shared governance, and offer our best wishes for your continued success.
Assembled this 18th day of April 2012, in Fayetteville.
X. Adjourned at 4:01 p.m.
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